Halfmoon - Partner Yoga — Restore Together

partner yoga — restore together

Emily Sproule | May 29, 2013 | minute read

Donna Wilding recently offered a partner restorative workshop with her husband Caio. They received such amazing feedback after the workshop and here she shares one of the pose set-ups with us!

Prop recipe for partner relaxation:

The Set Up

Set up the 3 blocks in order of height as shown below (standing, laying and flat on the floor). Place the Rectangular Bolster bolster on top of the Foam Blocks, and the Cylindrical Bolster in front of that on the ground. Place 1 folded India Cotton Blanket (folded to your comfort level) on top of the Rectangular Bolster. Lay 2 folded blankets on the sides and 1 more blanket in front of the Cylindrical Bolster [see set up below].


Getting In To The Pose

The first person going into the pose is the one who is going to use the Rectangular Bolster for a version of restorative Child’s Pose. The second person is the one taking a version of restorative shoulder stand. Check out the picture at the bottom!

Partner One:
Sit on the round bolster, facing the tilted rectangle bolster. As you lay yourself forward onto the bolster, make sure the blankets are under your knees and ankles, but not your feet. This will make it easier on your front ankles if they’re tight. If you find the floor too hard, you can always lightly cushion it for your feet with another, lightly folded blanket.

The blanket on top of the bolster is for extra height if you feel this pose too intense in your hips. You may want to fold it/bunch it up so it’s more supportive, or leave it lightly folded for less support. If you have tight hips, feel free to also place another blanket underneath your sitting bones, on top of the round bolster.

Partner Two:
Sit on the round bolster facing your partner’s back. Have a strap handy. Lay down with your spine along the round bolster and your shoulders trailing off of it onto the floor behind it. Position your head on the blanket. Gently move your feet up your partners back on either side of their spine without putting pressure on their spine. This is a chance to give your partner a light massage with the weight of your feet or simply to move into the pose.

You can place a strap around your calves/ankles if you find your legs are falling apart and sliding off their back. The idea is for both of you to be able to completely relax. Stretch your arms out along side your body, palms up.

Find your breath.

Partner Yoga

Be sure to switch when you’re ready and be sure to communicate about what does and doesn’t feel good. If you need to tweak something, just let your partner know.

Screen-shot-2013-05-01-at-6.21.49-PMDonna Wilding

Donna Wilding is a Toronto Yoga Teacher & Energy Healer who is driven by healing, community and connection.
For information on upcoming workshops and classes follow Donna on Facebook or Twitter.

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