Halfmoon - How to Use a Yoga Blanket

how to use a yoga blanket

Emily Sproule | Apr 19, 2013 | minute read

Tim Cyr stopped by the b, halfmoon office to share with us why he loves using b, halfmoon Blankets in his restorative practice.


A blanket can be much more than an extra layer during Savasana. Tim teaches his students, through ‘Blanket Origami 101’, this blankets’ true expansive functionality. From compactly folding into a cushion for sitting, or support under any of your parts, to rolling it into various lengths and creating an extra bolster when one isn’t handy.

By softening the surface beneath the boney parts of your body, you can stay in a pose with less strain, or gripping, soften your breath and allow more letting go.

Here are some of Tim’s favorite ways to use his blankets.

Yoga Prop

Legs Up The Wall

We all love Legs Up The Wall. Wrapping a blanket around the legs in this pose (Waterfall) acts as a “Wonder Bra” for the legs, jokes Tim.

Fold the blanket length-wise placing the middle of the blanket around the bottom of your feet. Cross the blanket across your shins and tuck the ends in behind your knees. With the support of the blanket you can really settle in to the pose and find total relaxation.


Finding a seat with enough height so that your knees to fall lower than you hip bones is very important for meditation. Tim loves to fold up his blanket to give that additional height when his favorite Zafu cushion is not available.


This pose is a beautiful stretch for the inner thighs, groins and knees. By folding a blanket lengthwise and placing it between your legs and the wall, you will soften the connection of the feet and ankles. Wrapping the blanket back over your knees will give some support while your knees relax away from each other. Tim loves to use his Eye Pillow in this pose as an added bliss bonus!

Yoga Props


By tightly folding your Cotton blanket length-wise you can create a supportive bolster when one is not available. You can place your spine along the length of the blanket to open your chest or place the blanket under your lower back for a gentle back release.

As a wrap, a bolster, a little extra solid support, or even used for a bit of weight where needed, a b, halfmoon Blanket is a great addition to your yoga practice.

Yoga Blanket


TimCyrTim Cyr

Tim Cyr is a RYT-500, Reiki Master, and Meditation Coach in Vancouver, BC. For a full schedule of Tim’s classes, workshops and retreats visit De-Stress Do Less!



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